Hello everyone! So assuming that you followed us from last week, so here’s  how you can earn money from being an affiliate, but first you have to know how it works!


So as an affiliate, you don’t work around the transactions that are involved in a purchase. Which comes down to how do you earn then if you don’t get the money directly from the sale. So their income stream is generated from these 4 things.


  1. Pay per install 
  2. Pay per sale
  3. Pay per click 
  4. Pay per lead 


These 4 are the basics of how one can earn as an affiliate. Let’s dive in further on these 4 components.


Pay per install – So this works more with apps and software.So whenever a consumer installs these softwares or apps, the affiliate will be paid directly in accordance to the agreed amount with the software developer. 


Pay per sale  –  This is the most common mode of payment. The product owner would pay an agreed percentage to the advertiser or affiliate.


Pay per click – Basically affiliates/ advertisers are the main generator to gain more traffic to websites. In other words, the affiliates revolve around SEO.  Even though organic traffic is free, however, SEO will not be enough. That’s where pay per click (PPC) comes in handy. Eg: getting paid per 1000 clicks and more.


Pay per lead – This one requires a bit more work. The affiliate  is required to convince and make sure that the consumers will visit the website and end up subcsribing to the email. A pretty common one as well especially in social media platforms like Youtube.


That is all for today. Hope you guys learn a thing or two from this and who knows maybe affiliating is for you!




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